Wednesday, July 31, 2013

World Hepatitis Day 2013 and Hepatitis Awareness Week was very successful the world over

Health Experts and NGOs world over have urged people to act swiftly and see their general practitioner for check-up and testing hepatitis. The call came as World Hepatitis Day 2013 and Hepatitis Awareness Week in many places came to an end.

Many campaigns tried to convey the message that hepatitis is nothing to be ashamed of. The week was all about informing the people about methods to avoid catching the virus as well as advice for those who have it. The main message is prevention and not being afraid to access the services that are out here. People should go to their doctor and get tested and necessary treatments.

The Hepatitis Awareness Week had been a huge success at many places with the exposure gained through several community engagement projects. It’s been very positive. There’s been many promotional events that have gone on all over the world based on increasing the awareness of hepatitis and also advocating for people that if they have any concerns that they should see their GP.

The campaign also tried to convey the message that there are now clinics that are open in many places and they involve specialist teams of doctors, nurses and allied health staff that can help in all aspects of caring for our health.

The most important and effective way to prevent new hepatitis C transmissions was not sharing equipment used to inject drugs. Many countries are supporting this by the continued expansion of needle and syringe programs (NSPs) to ensure all people who need to access sterile injecting equipment can do so. Younger people should also avoid sharing equipment used for tattooing and body piercing, including at backyard parties and by friends, because blood-to-blood contact is also possible in these circumstances.

Even though the concerted campaign to make people aware of Hepatitis has ended but the fight will continue till the disease and its menace is eradicated from the world.


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